February 8, 2010


Went home this past weekend <3 and loved every minute of it. I missed being home with my family and friends, I saw my family and Grandmaman and Papa, and hung out with both Mireille and Dom which was nice. I'm slowly realizing that my past relationships may have me needing to work very hard to not have insecurities afterward, and may have left me with trust issues, (not about cheating or anything of that matter) or commitment issues, which would be absolutely devine since who doesnt want those kinda personal problems at the ripe old age of 20. I also get anxious that I made a mistake but then soon realize it's just anxiety over being worried of being alone and worried about him not moving on. I know I can cross this hurdle there is no doubt in my mind, but I feel like I'm in a cheesy movie where two characters are in a race and the one person falls and the other person is torn between continuing on or going back and helping the other person over their hurdles only in this situation I think he can do it himself, he's just not ready to, not willing to try yet, or not entirely sure how to just yet, and I feel frustrated because I want to get to the finish line and end this whole situation, but at the same time I am not wanting to leave him alone to finish on his own, I want to wait and make sure he's OK, that he will be OK. I'm thinking that after this 2 months at Katy's I may move back to Winnipeg, depending on how things progress here, but we'll see.

C'est La Vie <3 xoxox

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dites-moi <3